Sunday, September 24, 2006

Vienna update/More pictures

Vienna was great, minus the whole getting left at the hotel thing. Apparently it is fairly important that you get messages that the group is leaving a half-hour earlier than it says on the schedule. I did meet up with the group eventually, but not until a desperate phone call to the parents to figure out where they were. Thanks guys!

My birthday was a really good time. We got some Chinese food, then went to a few bars. Suffice to say I had some fun. I'm going to keep this post fairly brief, but I'm finally bringing you guys the pics of Oktoberfest and some from Vienna too.

They are in a terrible order and it is being a pain so just bear with me for the time being!

Vienna has all sorts of interesting sculptures and whatnot. When I die I hope someone sculpts me beating someone down with a club.

Oktoberfest is big. Like, really big.

Hands down the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in a museum. It's a rock! It could just as easily be from my backyard. I can't even remember what it is from.

The Weltmeisterschaft (World Championships) of cycling are in Salzburg, so many of the roads are closed off. I contemplated selling my EPO free blood to these people.

A giant statue in Munich. I can't remember what the purpose is but it's pretty cool.

Like I said, there are a lot of people in Munich for Oktoberfest. This was a parade of some sort.

Just in case you aren't sure which language you speak, check the helpful flags.

A giant beer at Oktoberfest. This wasn't actually mine but I felt like it'd be a waste not to take a picutre with a huge beer.

Rachel at Schonbrunn palace. This place was huge and pretty spectacular. Lot's of fun.

The Hofbrauhaus. Some of the world's most famous beer. This place was like three stories and seemed to go on forever. Very cool.

Capri pants!!! They are everywhere!

This is the English guy who made me chug that beer. You might be able to see stains on my shirt, which is from the beer spilling everywhere. Not picured: this guy was wearing a kilt with nothing underneath. Yech...

World Cycling Championship pic. Our building is down this street a couple blocks on the left.

Rachel and I at the Hundertwasser building. He was an architect who made these crazy buildings which I unfortuantely forgot to photograph. Google it.

In one of the beer tents at Oktoberfest. These guys were playing this song and everyone except for me seemed to know it.

Aparrently, word about the awesomeness of Bodo has spread as far as Munich.

Another giant beer picture, this time with Justin in his Red Bull Salzburg jersey. Good stuff.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Oktoberfest seems like it would be more fun when you are not sick

I've had a cold for the past few days, so the trip to Munchen was something of a mixed bag. On the one hand I really enjoyed the city (there is this huge shopping district near the train station - Vince probably knows the name of it) and there were a ton of people there having fun. On the other hand, I didn't drink (due to the cold), and there was some unfortunate drunken behavior both by strangers and by my comrades. Anyways...

Highlight of the trip was definitely being challenged by an Englishman in a kilt to dance. I told him I wasn't drunk so there was no way I was going to dance, at which point he handed me his beer and demanded I chug it. There was probably a good 75% of a liter in there, and the entire time I was attempting to drink it this man was taunting me mercilessly. I couldn't get the whole thing but it was a "bloody good try," so at least I didn't embarass my country.

Oktoberfest itself felt like the world's biggest state fair. Tons of food and beer and rides and whatnot. I can't believe that they just take down those "tents," at the end of the Fest. And they aren't really tents, they are more like enormous beer halls where people dress alike and sing and dance and drink for hours on end. We never found a table because there were just so many people there. It was nuts!

I took lot's of pictures, so I'll try to get them up ASAP.

Love everybody,

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


The view from out my window. I live on the 3rd/2nd floor. In Europe the first floor is called the "ground floor" so the 2nd floor is the 1st floor etc...

You can't throw a bag of Skittles in this town without hitting Mozart's face twice. He is everywhere. You'd think they'd be sick of him by now. He's been dead for 250 years.

Die Mirabelplatz. This is the residence of Emperor Franz Joseph. Absolutely stunning. In the background you can just make out der Untersberg castle.

Me in front of a plaque for Frankie J.

Crossing the border is significantly easier in Austria than in America.

Auf dem Wolfgangsee. A few of us rented a boat and cruised around for a while. The lake was incredible looking, and the town of Hallstatt was nestled in the mountains beautifully.

This awesome place where they dig up bones and paint skulls. Apparently Austria used to have a problem with having enough room for graves. This was their solution. Awesome.

And now, to paraphrase the great Andre 3000:

What's funkier than funk? Eurofunk!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The three guarantees in life:

Death, taxes and Japanese tourists. I'm convinced that no matter where on Earth you decide to travel the place will be jam-packed with Japanese tourists. It's almost comforting in a way.

Anyways, alles is gut. My classes are all fairly boring but I'm not here for them anyways. I feel like I am starting to figure out some German, but it is going fairly slow. I've found that talking to children is a good way to get over the self-consciousness that comes with lacking confidence in one's abilities. Also, school supplies were ridiculously expensive. Staples could open a store over here and demolish everyone.

Ich gehen zur Munchen diese Wochenende. It's the first weekend of Oktoberfest so I'll make sure to take lots of pictures.

Love Everybody!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Some general thoughts

Mom: I haven't been in my room all day, and I will be gone to the Salt Mines this weekend. I'll try to buy a calling card and get this all figured out.

After my first day walking through Salzburg I have made some observations on general European culture. Here they are, in no real order:

-Capri pants are inexplicably popular amongst men here. White capri pants. I always assumed Rafael Nadal was just kind of a weirdo (an assumption his haircut supports), however this is apparently some sort of fashion trend here.

-The churches here are incredible. I know they've been there forever but it is fairly strange seeing enormous, beautiful churches in a place with a very high rate of Atheism.

-I can't speak German. I guess, "Sprechen sie English?" counts but that is about it.

-Strange lack of overweight people. I know you hear about how Europeans are much healthier than Americans, but it is weird to actually witness.

-Cold drinks and ice in your drinks!!! Told you Mom!

-Everything closes early and nothing is open on Sunday. It's like some sort of Euro-Salt Lake City.

-The beer here is weak. Anyone who claims Germans make better beer than Americans are nuts and/or influenced by the myth of German beer superiority. I'm going to try and get to Belgium as well as the UK for some quality beer.

-Everyone smokes. I'm pretty sure even the little kids smoke. And smoking is legal indoors, so a lot (too many) of places smell like smoke. This is especially funny considering cigarette packs have an enormous "SMOKING KILLS!" label on them.

-There are clearly two different sections to this city: the part we bombed during WWII and the part we didn't.

I'll post more the more I am here. Also, I swear I will get some pictures up ASAP. I have been taking them and they are coming.



I made it yesterday, and promptly went to sleep. We had a meeting from 8 to 9 but other than that it was all sleep. This message is going to be kept fairly brief, but there are internet cafes all around town and I will be making more in depth posts from those. I have also taken some pictures and will upload them from these cafes.

As a side note, I damn near electrocuted myself plugging in a power cord. All is working as it should be though.

That being said, this place is amazing. My room is huge and we even have a balcony. I will post those pictures later. Mom: CALL ME! I haven't figured out the calling cards yet so that would just be easier. I may not be in my room so be persistant. Also, sending over a Canadian passport ASAP would be greatly appreciated. Dirtly looks from customs officials are one thing, but I am terrified I am going to lose my American one and get stuck in Romania or someplace like that.

Love everybody!!


Sunday, September 03, 2006