Sunday, October 08, 2006

Prelim. London update + a few pics


London was incredible. I'm dead tired right now so I'll have more on the subject later, but enjoy these pics.

Tower Bridge. I'm not sure what the baby blue paint is all about, but it was pretty awesome.

On a double decker over the Thames. It was a tad windy, hence the hair...

On Millenium Bridge. The bridge was very cool, and right at the end is the Tate Modern Art Museum.

Big Ben and Parliament in the background. I took this as we were moving. I rock.

Looking a bit disshelved in Central London on a double decker.

Lord Nelson, hero of Trafalgar.

The Globe. Seeing this does not change my opinion that Shakespeare does in fact suck.

A cool looking dragon near the Thames.

Oh really?

Looking contemplatively at I'm not sure what.

City crest of London.

Oh yeah.

It was a little cold.

London is ridiculously expensive. That's like $11 for a pack of cigarettes. Maybe that's why people didn't seem to smoke there as much as in Continental Europe.

At the Canadian Embassy. I stood on guard for thee.

Outside the gates of Buckingham Palace. The Queen was away and we didn't see any of those funny guards. Oh well.


Anonymous said... just doesn't get much better. I am so glad you are taking it all in! I sent you an e-mail with a few of teh family pictures, hope you got them okay.

We Love You,

Momo & Papa

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