Friday, November 17, 2006

Officially going to Brussels!

Bought my ticket today for 25 Euros (round-trip, gotta love it). I'll be there from Dec. 15-20, so it's quite an extended stay. We may make a few excursions outside the city while we're at it. It'll be nice to be able to take our time in a city that I've heard is awesome (as well as being known for having some of the worlds best beer)! Also booked a (supposedly extremely clean hostel) for 23 Euros a night (115 Euro's for five nights, I'll take it).

Not going to Nuremburg this weekend (today's trip ran long) so we're just going to head up to Munich for the day tomorrow. Save cash this way too.

I am desperately hoping they are playing Borat in English there...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Live-blogging the UCLA game

Dad, my AIM name is andrewdanies. Send me a message if you have it working.

God it's good to hear Mike Parker's voice again!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Another mini-update

The group (minus 2 of us, long story) plus Fr. John and our art history prof. Dr. Loos:



Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Paris pictures

Some pictures from Fall Tour in Paris, Ulm Metz and whatnot. Enjoy, and once again, I apoligize for the order of them. I still haven't figured this whole blogging thing out quite yet.

I thought Caitlin might like this one.

Cool race car made from other smaller race cars.

Picturesque Innsbruck.

Champagne tasting with Fr. John.

That's a lot of champagne.

Church organ in Innsbruck.

Giant bottles of Champagne.

Modern stained glass. They replaced the originals which were destroyed in the War with this. I like it.

More modern art in Chartes.

They are still obsessed with it...

Stained glass in Chartes.

Obelisk in Paris.

Napoleon's Tomb. Big place for a little guy.

Eifel Tower all lit up.

Cool Eifel Tower in the background. Creepy guy in the background too.

Top of the Eifel Tower. It was cold and very windy.

Rachel at the top.

The Champs Elysee as viewed from the Arc de Triomphe.

No elevator in the Arc de Triomphe.

No... underpants?

Me at the top of the Arc de Triomphe.

One more of the Arc.

One of the ceilings in the Louvre. It's rather new, and I love it.

Cool gold statue in Paris.


In front of the Louvre.

More Versailles.

Cathedral at Ulm.

And now, what you've all been waiting for...

Love everybody,

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Back from Paris

Took somewhere between 400-450 pictures last week, so I'll get a few up fairly soon. It was awesome.

Still basking in the glory of OSU's win over USC (does this mean that BSU fans are now saying that they are better than USC? Please, God no). Also desperately hoping they don't screw up against ASU later on today.

Love everybody,