Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pics from Brussels and Bruges!

As always, forgive the order. On to the pics!

This is an old Medieval fortress from Bruges. It was incredibly cold and foggy there but we still had a great time. Bruges is the capital of Flanders, and as such the people there were not French, which I have come to find out is usually a plus.

Another shot of Bruges medieval square. I think this building was the post office. Really.

Most delicious currency ever, though it does make me wonder how much a rabbit goes for these days.

One of the two men in this picture is made of wax. But which one!?

This bathroom is only for women. And Jedi. Women Jedi, really.

Brussels is the comic book capital of the world (and beer and chocolate and french fry capital of the world. And capital of Belgium and Europe. And NATO. On second thought maybe they should just make it capital of the world. Or King. King of the World.

Comic book character at the comic museum in Brussels.

Rachel with Tintin, the most beloved children's book character in Europe, and probably the world.

Another one with Rachel as Tintin.

I honestly never knew the Smurfs were Belgian. But they totally are.

The Mannekin Pis is a famous statue of a boy peeing, and then people dress it up. Sound strange? Well, it is.

Me with the Mannekin Pis.

Brussels City Hall, a beautiful medieval building.

Cannibal station! Cannibal station! People who get this joke: Mom and Dad. People who are very confused: everyone else.

St. Michel, another gorgeous cathedral.

European Unity angers me so much I had to put a fist through this glass wall.

I couldn't think of any witty captions for this. Sorry.

Which way is Europe? Oh yeah!

That is a lot of languages.

I guess when it comes down to it, I can describe my Brussels trip in one word:


Love everybody,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the pictures! It's so strange to think that all of the things I've seen over time on those travel shows, like the Mannekin Pis, are things that you are actually getting an opportunity to see. It's amazing!!

As far as Brussels being the "Capital" of everything, are these titles which they have bestowed upon themselves or what's the deal?

And of course now I do recognize Tintin. When you mentioned it on the phone I was drawing a blank.

Was there a restroom for boy
Jedi(s)? (I not sure of the plural of Jedi.)

Have fun in Vienna for Christmas. We'll talk to you on Christmas day for sure.

You know I appreciate you taking the time to post the pics.

Love, MOM