Friday, March 30, 2007


The Rialto Bridge in Venice. I was actually surprised at how nice Venice smelled. You think, "big city on water," which is a recipe for a foul smelling place but they must have a hell of a sanitation system.

The Four Tetrarchs. Not much interesting about this except it's from Roman times and we learned about it in Art History.

Zurich isn't especially happening, but it's beautiful.

Another shot of Zurich. Pretty.

Zurich again.

Back to Italy! Sorry these pics are so out of order. This is the tomb of Dante Alligheri, Italy's most famous poet. They put him on their two Euro coin. He's especially big in Florence because he was Tuscan.

This is just a copy of the David statue, but it is the original location (before they moved it to shelter it from the weather and people and whatnot). I was surprised by how big it is in person, even if people tell you it's bigger than you expect.

Riding the shortbus in Florence.

Santa Croce (Holy Cross) Church in Florence. Beautiful.

Burt Reynold in Florence. Awesome.

Michelangelo's Pieta in St. Peter's in Rome. Michelangelo is Big (capital B) in Italy.

St. Peter's. You may have heard of it.

This about sums up my night on the Roman Pub Crawl.

Baptistary in Florence. The doors of this building are some of the earliest examples of Renaissance art.

Cathedral in Florence. I actually heard that one out of every three major art pieces in the world is in Italy and one third of that is in Florence. So 1/9 of every major art piece in the world is in Florence. I believe it.

My camera was full while I was in Milan so I need to get those pictures from Rachel. I'll try to do that soon. Till then!



Anonymous said...

OMG! Thank you so much for the pictures! They're just not the same though without your witty commentary. But I do really appreciate you posting the pics at least. I look forward to checking back soon.


Andrew said...

I'll try to get some commentary up tonight. I'm at an internet cafe right now so I don't want to pay for something I could do for free.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! We have pictures. You know this is your fault, you have been so good about posting pictures that we have come to expect them ASAP! We are always anxious for the virtual tour and commentary you provide. We have started the countdown to departure, it is fast approaching. Will check in later. Tried to call you but no one was answering in your room. Take care.


Momo & Papa

Anonymous said... is so much fun to see the pictures with the descriptions. Thanks, I know it comsumes time that you could be doing, oh, who knows what!!! But we love it.

See you soon.

Love You,
