Wednesday, September 13, 2006


The view from out my window. I live on the 3rd/2nd floor. In Europe the first floor is called the "ground floor" so the 2nd floor is the 1st floor etc...

You can't throw a bag of Skittles in this town without hitting Mozart's face twice. He is everywhere. You'd think they'd be sick of him by now. He's been dead for 250 years.

Die Mirabelplatz. This is the residence of Emperor Franz Joseph. Absolutely stunning. In the background you can just make out der Untersberg castle.

Me in front of a plaque for Frankie J.

Crossing the border is significantly easier in Austria than in America.

Auf dem Wolfgangsee. A few of us rented a boat and cruised around for a while. The lake was incredible looking, and the town of Hallstatt was nestled in the mountains beautifully.

This awesome place where they dig up bones and paint skulls. Apparently Austria used to have a problem with having enough room for graves. This was their solution. Awesome.

And now, to paraphrase the great Andre 3000:

What's funkier than funk? Eurofunk!


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh!! The pics are stunning. The lake looks amazing and you look like you're having a good time. Can't wait to hear about Oktoberfest. Don't forget to study a bit too.



Anonymous said...

WOW! The pictures were worth the wait. Everything looks fabulous. You look great and looks like yu are enjoying everything. Can hardly wait till Spring.

Love You,

Momo & Papa

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great Enjoy Octoberfest and study.

Love Nanies.

Daltoso said...


Looks like you enjoyed Halstatt...nestled between the mountains!?

If you are "gehen" to Munich this weekend that will be one heck of a hike. Don't worry, the german gets much better after a few beers. Should your Oktoberfest extracurriculars get out of hand this weekend and you need assisstance, feel free to give me a ring. I'll send my number to or to Fr. John. I only mention it because you or your classmates may need it. Speaking as a veteran of multiple Wies'ns... Be prepared... It is like nothing you have ever experienced. BTW, I might be taking my girls to the Trachten Parade on Sunday, we will walk the steps of he Bavaria statue to make sure we don't find your body.

Just think of me as your "Winston Wolfe" from Pulp Fiction... "I'm Winston Wolfe. I solve problems."

Vince Daltoso

Anonymous said...

So are you off to Oktoberfest? Have fun....but not too much fun! However I see you have a "problem solver" if you need it. Those "D" boys seem to have all the answers!!!! You take care and enjoy.


Momo & Papa

Andrew said...

Apparently both my German and my geography are a bit shaky. I'll try to be more accurate in the future for everybody.