Thursday, September 07, 2006

Some general thoughts

Mom: I haven't been in my room all day, and I will be gone to the Salt Mines this weekend. I'll try to buy a calling card and get this all figured out.

After my first day walking through Salzburg I have made some observations on general European culture. Here they are, in no real order:

-Capri pants are inexplicably popular amongst men here. White capri pants. I always assumed Rafael Nadal was just kind of a weirdo (an assumption his haircut supports), however this is apparently some sort of fashion trend here.

-The churches here are incredible. I know they've been there forever but it is fairly strange seeing enormous, beautiful churches in a place with a very high rate of Atheism.

-I can't speak German. I guess, "Sprechen sie English?" counts but that is about it.

-Strange lack of overweight people. I know you hear about how Europeans are much healthier than Americans, but it is weird to actually witness.

-Cold drinks and ice in your drinks!!! Told you Mom!

-Everything closes early and nothing is open on Sunday. It's like some sort of Euro-Salt Lake City.

-The beer here is weak. Anyone who claims Germans make better beer than Americans are nuts and/or influenced by the myth of German beer superiority. I'm going to try and get to Belgium as well as the UK for some quality beer.

-Everyone smokes. I'm pretty sure even the little kids smoke. And smoking is legal indoors, so a lot (too many) of places smell like smoke. This is especially funny considering cigarette packs have an enormous "SMOKING KILLS!" label on them.

-There are clearly two different sections to this city: the part we bombed during WWII and the part we didn't.

I'll post more the more I am here. Also, I swear I will get some pictures up ASAP. I have been taking them and they are coming.



Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the posts!! We love reading them. We can't wait to see some pictures. Sounds like things are going well. Talk to you soon.

Vickee said...

I love your posts! It seems almost like I'm there with you seeing what you're seeing and they made me laugh too!! Can't wait to see pictures. LOL

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Enjoyed your post with the exception of the bier commentary. I can hardly imagine that you have "sampled" enough to make any judgement whatsoever.

So let's get back out there and and try some more. After seeing your picture in the beginning of this blog it's clear you need to get in shape for Oktoberfest.

Fr. John and countless salzburg alums are counting on your "A" game in this area - please bring it.

Anonymous said...

Was great to talk to you this morning, it is like you are in the next room instead of half way around the world! Thanks for the heads up on teh "Salt Caves". I will be the "coat holder"! Looking forward to pictures. Love You, Momo & Papa

Anonymous said...

My Salzburg year was a bust. I was wrongly accused of being the group thief the whole year. Just because I lifted a couple of wallets early in the year shouldn't tarnish a guy's reputation for the whole stay. Heck, I used the new found coin to buy my best friends; Steve Andrews, Joe Conrad, and Frau Strobel plenty of Stiegl at the local Gasthof. That should count for something.

My friend... please make a pilgrimage over to the old pension and student center. I'm sure Fr. John will cab you over that way. Or if you're really adventurous you'll hop a bus and make your way over to "the other side" of the river. Have a bosna on the way and give my best to Eva and Claudia.

This post is in memory of Herr Franz Horner, the best damn political science teacher in all of Austria and someone who knew how to throw one heck of a house party for the students... too bad he lived near a raging canal but that's a story for another day.


An Old Timer