Sunday, September 24, 2006

Vienna update/More pictures

Vienna was great, minus the whole getting left at the hotel thing. Apparently it is fairly important that you get messages that the group is leaving a half-hour earlier than it says on the schedule. I did meet up with the group eventually, but not until a desperate phone call to the parents to figure out where they were. Thanks guys!

My birthday was a really good time. We got some Chinese food, then went to a few bars. Suffice to say I had some fun. I'm going to keep this post fairly brief, but I'm finally bringing you guys the pics of Oktoberfest and some from Vienna too.

They are in a terrible order and it is being a pain so just bear with me for the time being!

Vienna has all sorts of interesting sculptures and whatnot. When I die I hope someone sculpts me beating someone down with a club.

Oktoberfest is big. Like, really big.

Hands down the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in a museum. It's a rock! It could just as easily be from my backyard. I can't even remember what it is from.

The Weltmeisterschaft (World Championships) of cycling are in Salzburg, so many of the roads are closed off. I contemplated selling my EPO free blood to these people.

A giant statue in Munich. I can't remember what the purpose is but it's pretty cool.

Like I said, there are a lot of people in Munich for Oktoberfest. This was a parade of some sort.

Just in case you aren't sure which language you speak, check the helpful flags.

A giant beer at Oktoberfest. This wasn't actually mine but I felt like it'd be a waste not to take a picutre with a huge beer.

Rachel at Schonbrunn palace. This place was huge and pretty spectacular. Lot's of fun.

The Hofbrauhaus. Some of the world's most famous beer. This place was like three stories and seemed to go on forever. Very cool.

Capri pants!!! They are everywhere!

This is the English guy who made me chug that beer. You might be able to see stains on my shirt, which is from the beer spilling everywhere. Not picured: this guy was wearing a kilt with nothing underneath. Yech...

World Cycling Championship pic. Our building is down this street a couple blocks on the left.

Rachel and I at the Hundertwasser building. He was an architect who made these crazy buildings which I unfortuantely forgot to photograph. Google it.

In one of the beer tents at Oktoberfest. These guys were playing this song and everyone except for me seemed to know it.

Aparrently, word about the awesomeness of Bodo has spread as far as Munich.

Another giant beer picture, this time with Justin in his Red Bull Salzburg jersey. Good stuff.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are great! Heard about the fiasco in Vienna...guess you can't take the itinerary as gospel. Just a guideline!? Tried to call you around 8:00 pm your time but no answer. Just wanted to "sing your special birthday song". Hope it was good. Take care and I would say have fun but you seem to have that covered.

Love You,

Momo & Papa

Anonymous said...

The pictures were awesome! I'm glad you decided not to show us the "kilt guy" dancing... Sounds like you had a good time on your birthday. We celebrated by eating Chinese food also! What are the odds of that???

Just a couple comments about future travel: 1. Make a copy of your itinery and keep it with you at all times. 2. Take an extra set of contacts with you or at least your glasses. 3. Find out what time the bus leaves before going to bed the night before. 4. You can always call us if you need help.

Loved the picture of the almost brought me to tears! Mom and I will start a savings plan for the beatdown statue!

Love, Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Wow dude, that is so unbelievably bad ass you're in another country. another continent. It doesn't compare to North Idaho, but its looking closer.


Anonymous said...

It was so good to talk to you. Papa was sorry he missed you. Another time... You sound great! I am so glad you are enjoying this experience.

Showed you blog to my friend Connie, the one with the son going to Pacific, she was very impressed.

We are off to Eagle Crest to play golf for the next couple of days. I will let you know how that goes.

Take care and remember we love you.

Love You,

Momo & Papa

Anonymous said...

Not to nit-pick...

But wouldn't those shorts pants in your picture be considered to be more like knickers - or as the limeys like to call them "plus fours"? Versus capris - which typically end mid calf or lower? I think this is an important differenciation...

Have you bought your kilt yet?

If you want to be on time for tours, you should sleep in the bus itself. This ensures your timeliness as well as your choice of the best seat. Some might say that perhaps you shouldn't inbibe as much the night before so you can get a good breakfast and be ready for logistical changes - but what kind of life is that?

Anonymous said...

Manpris? Sounds like a Seinfeld episode.

Vinnie, you need to break rank and give Young Andrew the golden ticket to the front of the Ofest line. Who cares what his peers think of him? - if he's doing what he is supposed to do (like sleeping in, missing tours because of a mild case of the "flu" and mocking Euros in his blog) all the other UP'ers are going to hate him anyway. As well they should, because he's better than they are. Comes from Eastern Oregon roots you know? Might as well get it over with.

I am sure if you think back about your life, you will come to the exact same realization.

As for the director - I have always said you can't trust a man that combines 7-up w/ WeissBier and calls it a "a nice little pick me up."

A schnitzel a day keeps the doctor away...Tio Joe