Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Munich the second time around + headed to London

Munich was even more crowded this time (a feat I considered nigh impossible), so the trip second trip to Oktoberfest will be remembered for the rather intense train ride home.

First of all, the packets that claimed something to the effect of, "Austrians drink to socialize, not to get drunk," are in clear danger of having their pants light on fire. As soon as we got on the train to head back, about 15 extremely drunk Austrians piled onto the car with us. We thought about moving but then figured they would most likely just pass out and we wouldn't have to deal with it. We were incorrect. About five minutes in, two in their group started fighting, and one ended up landing at my feet and getting his bloody nose on my leg. So that was fun. They were also all smoking (against the rules) and drinking then throwing their bottles out the window. One ended up puking in the area between cars, but luckily he was the only one who couldn't keep the (prodigous amount of) booze down. We made it back safely however, so alles gut.

I'm going to London this weekend, so I will take lots of pictures for everybody. I'm also going to Prague in two weeks, just before the Paris trip. It should all be a great time. Hope to talk to everybody soon!



Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget to leave time to study during all these jaunts across Europe!

I'm sure you'll have a grand time in London. I'll try to call you before you leave. BTW - I sent you an email regarding cell phone service to your UP account. I'm hoping that you check that one fairly regularly.

Thanks for the post. Talk to you soon.

Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the train ride was quite the adventure! Talk about broadening your horizons!

Boy life is hard..London, Prague and Paris. It all sounds fantastic. Enjoy and remember to take lots of pictures.

Take care.

Love You,

Momo & Papa

Anonymous said...

Wow man. The Semester (?) of a lifetime. Keep the blogs up.
