Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bonjour from Brusells!

Finals are finally over (I realize that was WAY too easy) and we flew into Brusells last night. The hostel was closed by the time we got there, but they luckily let us check in over an hour late. Phew. Anyways, we've just been walking around the city today. We'll do some more sightseeing tomorrow, then we are going to take a day trip to Bruge Monday.

Brussels is a great city but the weather is awful, ugh.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the weather is not cooperating, but I'm glad the hostel let you in. I would not like the thought of you spending the night on the street.

I'm guessing that the hostel has internet access and computers to use since you were able to update the blog. What is the name of the hostel? I think I found it online. Looked really nice if it's the one I'm thinking it is.

If you are able, update as many times as feasible.

I'm eagar to here all about what you are able to see and do.

Have a great time and try to stay warm and dry.

Love ya tons!


Andrew said...

Name of the Hostel is the "2Go4"

It is really nice. Here is the web address:

Anonymous said...

That is the one I had found through the Ryanair website and I was able to make an educated guess. It almost seemed too nice to be true. Brand new, in the heart of the city and so affordable....what's the catch?

I checked the weather online and unfortunately it looks like it won't be getting much better. Go buy an umbrella and stay dry!

Text me or post before you leave for Bruge on Monday. I am wondering if you will be staying there overnight or if you will be back the same day?

I would also like to have an idea of your plans for returning to Salzburg. I'm not sure when your flight leaves and what time you'll be back at the center.

Take care and have a great time.


Yo Mama

Andrew said...

Sorry, we went to Bruge today but we are already back. Didn't get your post in time.

We head back to Salzburg at 7:10 am on Wednesday (which means we have to leave the hostel at some ungodly hour before 4, but it was the only flight). I'll give you a call on Wednesday afternoon (my time). Rachel's family will be in town so I will probably be pretty busy meeting them.

The weather hasn't been too bad the last couple days (really cold but I prepared for that) but I am definitely excited to go back to Salzburg.

So far we've seen the Grand Market, Atonium Sculpture, the European Parliament, Mannekin Pis and Comic Strip Museum, then in Bruge we just walked around and shopped. Also saw the chocolate museum in Bruge which was amazing.

Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

hey man. I really dig the updates. does anyone actually use that toilet? Awkard.

I'm going to the facking fiesta bowl on the 1st. Wish us luck.

Miss you man.


We need to have a talk about 'college life' sometime.