Sunday, January 28, 2007

Berlin 2007!

Berlin was incredible! We only spent two days there and I really feel like I may need to go back. (Pictures not shown: "World Famous Pub Crawl." Let's just say: avoid Ramses and his Demon Juice the next time you are in Berlin...)

At the top of the Reichstag. It was an incredibly cool building, not only for the history but the spiral glass dome at the top, representing openness in democracy.

East German propaganda (the politician introducing the worker and farmer). Opposite this they have a shot of a protest in the DDR just before Soviet tanks opened fire and killed 250 people. Powerful stuff.

At the Berlin Zoo. No family resemblence!!!

It's a Panda! An effing Panda!!!

What a sad lion...

The absolute cutest animal ever.

This monkey made himself that hammock by hanging the sheet from the ceiling. Smartest monkey ever!!

A monument to those who were killed in war. Very powerful monument.

Inside the Monument to the Murdered Jews of Europe. All the slabs are the same length and width but have different heights. The result is very disorienting and confusing.

The Jewish Monument from the outside.

A shot of one of the few remaining pieces of the wall.

Us in front of the wall.

The Brandenburg Gate. Cool story: the statue on top was recast after the Germans recovered her in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 (Napoleon had stolen it earlier). Now she looks directly at the French Embassy as a reminder that the Germans always have their eyes on the French.

Humboldt University. Goethe, Einstein, Kant... some big names studied/taught here. The Harvard of Germany.

The Pergamon Altar. It is HUGE. I'm not sure if it comes across properly in the picture but the thing is enormous.

At the Wilhemkirche. This was bombed out during the war but left the way it was as a monument to the ravages of war.

Cool Prussian art in the Wilhemkirche.

That's all I got for you. Take it easy everybody!



Anonymous said...

Berlin sounds amazing. Kinda bummed it isn't on our itinerary. Oh well, we can't go everywhere in only 18 days. I hope you get the opportunity to go again if it works out. So much to see only so much time. I really cannot believe how many placed you've been able to visit when I review you blog. It really is incredible. You must be getting excited for Spring Tour.

Anyway, thanks for the pics and update.


Anonymous said...

Nice "Beard"! Berlin looks great. I always feel like I'm on a virtual tour when you post new pictures. I am so glad you are enjoying the experience. We think of you often and can hardly wait to see you.

Love You,

Momo & Papa