Monday, January 15, 2007


Not as many pictures as the last post (Madrid and Barca don't have the same views as Lisbon) but there are some decent ones here.

This is the symbol of Madrid. Pretty cool.

With Zidane in the background. Before he caved Materazzi's chest in. Not sure why this text is showing up as a link. Whateva.

On the field of the Santiago Bernabeu, where Real Madrid plays. Incredible stadium. Real is basically the Yankees of European futbol, so they have a bit of cash to throw around.

Can you imagine if baseball dugouts were like this? I don't think you could ever get a guy like David Wells in a game.

I guess I'll have to airbrush Beckham (just left of me) out.

This was the biggest trophy I've ever seen. It weighed like 100 kg.

In Barca at the Sagruda Familia. I don't have any quality shots of the church because it was surrounded by scaffolding.

At the FC Barca museum. These were gifts from Miguel Indurain, Roberto Heras and another Spanish rider I can't remember.

At Camp Nou, the other famous soccer stadium in Spain. Barcelonians and Madrileno's hate each other, so they are always trying to one-up the other. Makes it fun to go to both.

Alright, take it easy everybody!


Anonymous said...

Wow...I love the latest pictures. It is so much fun to see all of this through your eyes. You are having an amazing experience and we are so happy for you. Looking forward to having you show us the sights. We think of you often.

Love You,

Momo & Papa

Anonymous said...

Where's Guadi Park??????
I was looking forward to pictures of that.
Oh well.
Looks beautiful.

