Monday, February 12, 2007

Probably the last post for a while.

I'm going to be ridiculously busy this week (4 tests + 2 papers) and then Thursday we start our Spring Tour. If anyone wants to get a hold of me before I go, then do it soon.

Ugh...I really need to be done with this stuff. If it wasn't for this school stuff I'd be having a lot more fun.

Love everybody,


Anonymous said...

Just consider the school portion a necessary evil! Without it, I doubt your parents would send you to Europe for 9 months. Hang in there and I'm sure you will take care of your school work without any problems. Dad

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to email me your itinerary before you leave. I will try to call you Thursday in the afternoon (your time). Thanks to the donations from your grandparents you should be in good shape for spending $$. Talk to you in a few days.


Daltoso said...

As I recall, If you pass all of your classes during first semester they can't send you home for poor grades second semester. You should be at Augustiner right now, studying the bottom of your Masskrug.

I'll be stopping in at the Center tomorrow afternoon to pay Fr. John, Frau Strobl and others a little visit. Tio Joe also has a message for you that I am to deliver personally... Not a moment too soon after reading your latest post. We should come rolling in around 3:00.

BTW, The '97 Salzburgers offered us Tea when we stopped in for a visit. You can imagine how that went over.

Anonymous said...

that it is parched and could use something to drink.

Now is the time that "tru warrior" Salzburgers step it up. Academics and free food/bier from self-satisfied-living-in-the-past ex-alums are NOT mutually exclusive!

If you still can't figure it out how you need to handle this pesky "school" situation just check out your bracelet that says W.W.U.J.D.? (What would uncle John do?). The answer should come quickly and be will evident in golden liquid form.

Good luck and order the most expensive item on the menu. Fr. John will...

Adios amigos!

Andrew said...


So sorry I missed you yesterday. I was at the Bahnhof trying to figure out my travel plans. I appreciate your advice, though my parents might not.

Anonymous said...

Young Diddy:

I at least hope you had the decency to put a kettle on for Bonnie Prince Vincent before you quit studying (?) to go work on your travel plans. Of course, if memory serves me, there are some very workable bars over by the ol' bahnhof (non Irish even). Hope you made the time to stumble on in to one.

As for listening to the advice of your parents, it's true they got you this far in life but its delicate situations like these that you need to go outside the family. Trust the word of the Bonnie Prince, Dr. Z already knows what grade he's going to give you and no amount of last minute cramming will change it.

Vom Fass and enjoy your spring trip.

The "Lord"

Daltoso said...


Don't sweat missing us. Had we not been so busy drinking Fr. John's Stiegl and trying to find cartoons on his TV, we probably would have caught you between that all important Theology exam and your trip to the Bahnhof. As it stands, we were able to entertain some of your classmates with tales of yesteryear and our two rugrats.

Enjoy Ouzo and Grappa, spring tour. Should you ever get back to Munich and get tired of the Deutsches Museum and Alte Pinakothek, you can always stop by for a beer and reruns of OSU/SC, the Civil War, or even the BSU triumph in the Fiesta. Now that's bringing culture to Europe.