Saturday, December 02, 2006

Amsterdam update and pics

Amsterdam was a lot of fun, save the horrific loss of my iPod. I hope whoever stole it loves it as much as I did... Anyways, here's some pics:

Museum of Torture was really cool. You know it's bad when this seems like a pretty nice way to go.

On the train from Frankfurt to Amsterdam.

The world's most public public toilet.

Heineken is the national beer of Holland. This was not a brewery, it was actually an interactive museum. A lot of fun.

How beer is made.

I do like to think of myself as the Beer King.

"Coffeeshop" in the background. Odds that it actually sells coffee: about 50%.

Another Museum of Torture shot. If you can see in the background there is a painting of a man being sawed (sawn? sewn?) in half.

The Netherlands have the world's steepest stairs. It's a little scary actually.

I amsterdam...

Central Amsterdam is built under sea level, and they use a series of canals to keep the city from going under. I don't think they have hurricanes in Norhern Europe though...

More canal stuff.

Me in central Amsterdam.

We also went to Anne Frank House and the Van Gogh Museum, but no pictures allowed. I would definitely reccommend a trip if you get the chance.

Also, massive thanks to Momo and Papa for replacing my iPod!



Anonymous said...

Except for the ipod issue, it appears you had a great time in A-city. As always, we love to view your pictures. Each time you post pictures, it's like Christmas morning for us! You owe Momo/Papa big time for the ipod replacement. Yes, you are spoiled! Fortunately, Mom has been able to insure the new ipod.

We can't believe you only have one more week of classes before finals week. Do you realize that in one month, you will be half way through your time in Salzburg? In January, we will need to firm up our travel plans for our visit in April/May.

Sounds like your Christmas plans are coming together. Be sure to send us an itinerary so that we can track your movements over the break.

Dad and Mom

P.S. The picture of the sawing (?) was nasty...

Anonymous said...

Andrew, your mom gave me your blog address last night. I have read everything and am very jealous! I wish I had that opportunity when I was in college. Amber went to Germany and France in 2005. I hope to go before I get too old to enjoy the sightseeing and the beer! I can probably convince Jim to go if you give me the lowdown on good beer spots when you get back! Billy says Hi!

Sheri Baker

Anonymous said...

The pictures of Amsterdam are great. It is so much fun to see all the amazing adventures you are having! Hope to talk to you before you leave for Brussels. And by the way you don't owe us anything for the ipod replacement, we were happy to be able to do it and know that it is appreciated. Besides the thuoght of you without it was a little unnerving (sp?) I am convinced it is a part of your anatomy! Have a fabulous trip and remember how much we love you.

Momo & Papa